Friday, July 20, 2007

phpFramewerk Control Flows

In phpFramewerk we handle control flows as follows:

  1. The user triggered events with the user interface such as clicks or presses a button.

  2. A controller handles the request from the user interface by evaluate

    the $_GET[cmd] or $_POST[cmd] variable.

  3. The controller processes the event in a way appropriate to the user's action
    (this is where controller accesses the model such as Add,Read,Edit and Delete).

  4. The controller accesses the view to render an appropriate response
    (this is where the data from the model displayed within the HTML).

  5. The user interface waits for further events triggered by the users.

phpFramewerk Architecture

We are using our own architectural pattern similar to
Model-View-Controller (MVC).
MVC is the most used architecture in web applications.

In phpFramewerk we encapsulate data and functions (model) in classes.
The data is stored in variables on the config file or
in the future use of phpFramewerk it will be stored in MySQL and the classes files
are stored in library folder.
The presentation (view) is in
CSS, javascript and HTML files.

phpFramewerk is designed to keep the code in controller files as simple as possible
so that the control flows between user interface,
data handling and the display responds to the user will remain ease.

phpFramewerk ver 0.0.1 Documentation

We have been trying to make the programming style ideal to standard.

  • Valid XHTML 1.0

  • Valid CSS 2

  • MVC approach

  • register_globals = off ready

  • Layout by CSS

  • Basic HTML Class

  • Formage Class

  • Error message system

The layout component has its own method to control them.

  • Three section: top-section, content and footer

  • The content section consists of two fixed column: left-column and content

  • Navigation bar on the left column

  • Main menu on the top section

  • Page title on the top section

After you extract the package in a folder . then you will find the directory structure as follows:

We put all configuration files in folder ./conf
We put all view files in folder ./view
We put all classes in folder ./library
We put all images in folder ./images
And all controller files in root ./
You can move the conf, view and library folder to non-accessible
folder on your server to reduce security risk.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

phpFramewerk ver 0.0.1 released

phpFramewerk is a simple web development framework. It is designed to easily develops a small web site or a simple PHP application. Suitable for PHP beginners to learn how to develop PHP applications with modular architecture.

We will use this phpFramewerk as framework for our next product development. So you will find other CyberGL product developed using this framework.

Actually we are already have mature version of this framework but in order to make it integrated with all other products which are still in old programming style so we released an adaptation version from the start for the compatibility sake.

This framework is designed for small and simple site development but the concept of the architecture is prepared for large and complex site.

In upcoming months we will consistantly release next version along with integration of other products. Each new release product will needs specific version of framework which become the next version of this framework.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Back In Business

After a very long break, eventually we've back in business. In the old days we put all of our products in We've been moved all the content - but not all the features yet - to the root of the domain,

We have had to remove several features from the site as we preparing new features to obtain more efficient services.

With the old features we were getting far more responses than we expected. So with the new features hopefully will make our live easier. My apologies to anyone who posted questions / queries / suggestions on our old forum.

The discussion on the forum was removed but not your account. We maintain all of our customer's account, and you will still be able to use it to login to our system.

We promise will work more hard from now to provide better PHP MySQL script of future. The very next step is to launch new version of each product with the web standard technology.